


Producer Sara discusses AI on Japanese TV

Aww Inc.’s producer, Sara, made an appearance on NTV’s Japanese show “SENSORS,” diving into the topic of generative AI alongside Special Professor Yoichiro Miyake from the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science, THE GUILD Inc.’s representative and interaction designer Takayuki Fukatsu, and HEART CATCH representative Mariko Nishimura.

Together, the panel engaged in a vibrant discussion about how the progress of generative AI is influencing work approaches and creativity, and examined the ways various industries are leveraging this rapidly evolving technology.


Aww Inc.のプロデューサーであるSaraが、日テレ「SENSORS」に出演し、東京大学生産技術研究所の特任教授である三宅陽一郎、THE GUILD Inc.の代表でインタラクションデザイナーの深津貴之、そしてHEART CATCHの代表である西村真理子と共に、生成AIについて語りました。
