


Aww will partner with Coinbase at ComplexCon 2022

Aww Inc. will hold a booth at ComplexCon 2022 in Long Beach, CA in partnership with Coinbase, marking the first time a virtual human will hold a booth at the area’s biggest convention of style, sneakers, art, food, music, inspiration, and more.
Together with a Japanese anime artist, imma has designed a new collection of virtual fashion consisting of three designs, showcased in giant 82” monitors and medium canvas prints.

Coinbaseと共同でカリフォルニアロングビーチで開催される「ComplexCon Long Beach 2022」にブースを出展いたします。

[Event Overview]
ComplexCon 2022
Date: November 19-20, 2022
Venue: Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center (CA, U.S.)
Time: VIP 9:00-19:00 /Public 11:00-19:00

会場:Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center (CA, U.S.)
時間: VIP  9:00-19:00 /  一般  11:00-19:00

[ORIGINAL T-shirt and sticker]
For an exclusive release at ComplexCon, imma T-shirts will be available for sale at imma’s booth and 500 VIP ticket holders will receive an original imma key chain and sticker sheet included in their VIP bag redeemable at the Coinbase booth.


[NFT Release+ Airdrop]
In partnership with Coinbase, visitors connecting their Coinbase Wallet at the Coinbase booth will receive a commemorative NFT consisting of works by imma and other projects featured at the Coinbase booth, including Jeff Staple’s Stapleverse, Figuregot, and Playcade. Also, a special NFT airdrop from imma will be given out to lucky 100 visitors who received the commemorative NFT. The airdrop consists of 5 imma NFTs.  One of them is a special kind that has collaborated with Japanese pixel artist Mae.

Coinbaseとの提携により、ブースでCoinbase Walletにサインアップした来場者には、immaをはじめ、Coinbaseブースに出展しているJeff StapleのStapleverse、Figuregot、Playcadeなどのプロジェクトが参画したオリジナルNFTをプレゼントします。また、2日間のイベントの最後には、サインアップされた方の中から抽選で100名に、 ピクセルアーティストmae氏とコラボしたスペシャルNFTを含む合計5種類のimmaのNFTの中から1種類をエアドロップします。
