


imma is featured for TOMMY JEAN’s 2022 Spring new campaign “Play To Progress”

imma has been featured for TOMMY JEANS’s 2022 Spring new campaign “Play To Progress”.
imma is wearing the Chicago reversible windbreaker with the brand’s iconic bold color blocking. The combination creates a unique worldview that blurs the line between the real and virtual worlds.

Promoting a mindset of curiosity and creativity, TOMMY JEANS brings the “Play To Progress” to life through music, the internet, and street culture.
Alongside the campaign, TOMMY JEANS simultaneously embraces the “Play To Progress” mindset with the introduction of Denim Progressed. The new denim program focuses on progression in style and sustainability with 100% recycled denim including hemp denim to save soil and circular denim, designed from the start to be made again.


TOMMY JEANSの2022年春の新ブランドキャンペーン「Play To Progress」にimmaが起用されました。

TOMMY JEANSは好奇心と創造性を促進するをテーマに、音楽やインターネット、ストリートカルチャーを通じて、「Play To Progress」のキャンペーンを展開します。
また「Play To Progress」のキャンペーンに伴い、「Denim Progressed」という新しいテーマを発表しました。