imma stars as the campaign icon for “Pinkoi”

imma is featured in a special campaign for Pinkoi, one of the largest global shopping sites in Asia, celebrating its 10th anniversary with imma posing as their caracter “Pin Tripper”.
The commercial “Pin-Trip” with imma has been released today. She will also appear in the web magazine “Pinkoi Zine”, which will run for 3 months and introduce unique items from Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Asian cities in the style of a travel report.
*Comment from imma
「Pinkoi is really fun because they have a lot of trendy items from different cities in Asia. As I scroll, I feel like I was on a trip around Asia, as there were products that I would never have come across before, and products that gave me an insight into the world of each city.
I hope you will enjoy the new web CM and the “Pin Trip Report!” you can find on the website. I hope you try Pinkoi!」
immaが、アジア最大級のグローバル通販サイト「Pinkoi(ピンコイ)」の、10周年特別企画キャンペーンキャラクター“Pin Tripper(ピン トリッパー)”に、起用されました。
immaは、本日より配信されるWeb CM『Pin-Trip篇』に出演。また、特設サイト内で展開されるwebマガジン「Pinkoi Zine」にも登場し、3ヶ月に渡って台湾や香港などアジア各都市のアイテムを、旅レポ風に紹介していきます。
そんな感覚や楽しさが表現された“新Web CM”や “Pin Trip Report!”はもちろん、Pinkoiでのお買い物をぜひ、体験してみてください。」