Aww Producer Sara Giusto Speaks at Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30 x Grand Front Osaka JAM BASE Talk Session “GOOD ANCESTORS”!

弊社プロデューサーのジューストー沙羅が、Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30とグランフロント大阪 JAM BASEによる特別トークセッション「未来の『よき祖先』となっていくために」に登壇しました。
We are excited to announce that our producer Sara Giusto participated in a special talk session “Becoming Good Ancestors for the Future” organized by Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30 and Grand Front Osaka JAM BASE.
“Looking back from 2030 and beyond, what kind of ‘ancestors’ will we be remembered as?”
Under this unique question, leaders from the UNDER 30 generation gathered to engage in future-focused dialogues from various perspectives, including technology, business, culture, and entertainment.
What impact will our actions have on the future? How can technology contribute to people’s happiness? What seeds can our young generation uniquely plant for the future? Through dynamic discussions, this thought-provoking session revealed insights into becoming “better ancestors” for generations to come.