Aww CEO Moriya Speaks at Hakuhodo’s Consumer Interface Market Forum 2024

2024年11月25日(月)に開催された、博報堂主催の生活者インターフェース市場フォーラム 2024「AIと、この世界に別解を。-Human-Centered AI-」に、弊社代表守屋がトークセッションに登壇しました。
「人類はAIを愛せるか?」をトークテーマに、株式会社TBWA\HAKUHODOの細田 高広 氏と株式会社Preferred Networks 福田 昌昭 氏とポストAI時代のコミュニケーションについてお話ししました。
On Monday, November 25, 2024, Aww’s CEO, Moriya, participated as a speaker in the “Consumer Interface Market Forum 2024” hosted by Hakuhodo.
The event was themed “AI and Alternative Solutions to This World: Human-Centered AI.” In a talk session titled “Can Humanity Love AI?”, Moriya joined esteemed panelists Mr. Takahiro Hosoda from TBWA\HAKUHODO and Mr. Masaaki Fukuda from Preferred Networks to discuss communication in the post-AI era.
The discussion explored how generative AI is emerging as a new “interface” connecting people, brands, and businesses. They deliberated on insights for shaping future brand communication and brand experiences and examined the evolving relationship between humanity and AI.