COIN PARKING DELIVERY, who has received high acclaim both in Japan and abroad, creates works that incorporate questions and ideals unique to this era of “now” with a smartphone in hand, which is an essential item for modern people, and imma will hold the FAN THANKSGIVING event on the 27th of January (Sat.) They will parade through the streets of Harajuku and Shibuya, and participants who can find the items based on clues scattered on SNS will be able to obtain limited items. This drop event will fuse experience and entertainment in a project that will not only allow participants to enjoy the project itself, but also increase their awareness and liking for the things they come into contact with through the project.
現代人の必須アイテムでもあるスマホを片手に、「今」というこの時代ならではの疑問や理想を落とし込んだ作品を制作し、国内外で高い評価を得るCOIN PARKING DELIVERYとimmaが原宿、渋谷の街を舞台に練り歩き、SNSに散りばめられたヒントを元に辿り着けた参加者が限定アイテムを手に入れられるFAN THANKSGIVING企画を1月27日(土)に実施。本ドロップイベントでは、体験とエンターテインメントを融合し、参加者が企画自体を楽しむだけでなく、企画を通して触れていくモノコトへの認知や好感度を高めていく企画になっています。