


imma appears at NFT Paris 2023

imma was a speaker at NFT Paris, a two-day event held at the Grand Palais, the cultural and artistic center of the French capital. The Grand Palais, which was created for the 1900 World’s Fair and has since inspired many innovations, provided the perfect backdrop for this exciting event.
Using technology developed by Aww, imma delivered a real-time speech using the Unreal Engine, moving from head to toe in full CG. In her approximately 10-minute presentation, she discussed virtual identity, and the audience was thrilled by her engaging talk.
This year’s event, which has been growing in size each year, attracted over 18,000 visitors over the two days, surpassing last year’s attendance.

1900年の万国博覧会で誕生し、さまざまな革新を起こしたフランスの首都の文化・芸術の中心地、グランパレで2日間に渡って開催された「NFT Paris」でimmaがスピーカーとして登壇しました。
Awwが開発した技術を駆使して、頭からつま先までフルCGのimmaが、Unreal Engineでリアルタイムで動きながらスピーチを行いました。おおよそ10分間に渡るプレゼンテーションでは、バーチャルアイデンティティについて語り、会場も盛り上がりました。

AI Studio