plustic boy and Ria featured for Mercedes-Benz Lifestyle creative project

plusticboy and Ria are featured in the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.Two of them took on their first road trip with different classes of Mercedes-Benz to Sydney, Mexico, Copenhagen, Kuala Lumpur, and Ghana, and wore local fashion designers’ garments. In recent years, the brand has continued to provide young designers with opportunities to present their collections and has established itself as a partner for fashion events around the world.
plustic boyとRiaがメルセデス・ベンツのLifestyleクリエイティブプロジェクトに起用 され、シドニー、メキシコ、コペンハーゲン、クアラルンプール、ガーナなど世界各地を訪れ、各国のデザイナーの服を着用しました。
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